We draw upon an integrative set of interventions to meet your needs as closely as possible.

Intensive Short-Term Dynamic psychotherapy
Resolve the emotional core of your difficulties

Cognitive behaviour therapy
Challenge your thinking & break free from old patterns

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Dive into the present moment & commit to what matters most

Stoic Philosophy & Coaching
Draw strength, courage & wisdom from adversity

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Discover how to identify and overcome unhelpful beliefs and patterns of reacting. Develop skills in rational thinking and thought disputation. Learn how to stop avoiding and start embracing behaviours that promote growth.
Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy
With support and understanding from your therapist, unlock the transformative potential of emotions by learning how to channel them into positive action. Understand and master your anxiety. Learn how to communicate assertively and develop strong relationships.

Stoic Philosophy & Coaching
Cultivate a method of living based on courage, moderation, wisdom and justice. Draw strength and insight from adversity by changing the way you meet it. Develop skills in problem-solving and on-purpose living.
Everyone is good at something. We're good at understanding and helping.
are you ready?
Because we are right behind you
Stages of Therapy